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Animal Cruelty Facts Nz

SPCA List of Shame Highlights Cases of Animal Cruelty

Failure to Uphold Animal Welfare Standards

Cases of Neglect and Abuse Brought to Light

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has released its annual "List of Shame," a compilation of the most severe cases of animal cruelty encountered by the organization. The list highlights the urgent need to address animal welfare issues and hold those responsible accountable.

The SPCA's "Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare" in New Zealand include the freedom from hunger and thirst, ensuring that animals have access to sufficient food and water. However, the cases included in the "List of Shame" demonstrate a blatant disregard for these fundamental rights.

The organization's inspectors investigate numerous reports of abuse and neglect each year, resulting in the seizure and rescue of countless animals. The "List of Shame" serves as a disturbing reminder of the extreme cruelty that animals endure at the hands of humans.
